Labia Rejuvenation

Labiaplasty (Labia Rejuvenation)
Cosmetic surgery can be used to enhance appearance and self-esteem. But it can also be used to enhance function. For some women, having enlarged inner genital lips (labia minora) can be functionally or emotionally bothersome. Age, childbirth, hormones, sexual intercourse can cause enlarged labia, or it can occur naturally. Local irritation and problems with personal hygiene can interfere with sexual intercourse, and cause discomfort during other activities like cycling, walking or sitting. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that offers women a solution.

Labiaplasty surgically reshapes the external appearance of the vagina to enhance a woman’s vaginal appearance and sexual gratification.

Who would best represent an Ideal Candidate for Labiaplasty?
There are various reasons why women would choose to undergo labiaplasty. The more common reasons are enhancing sexual pleasure, reducing pain during intercourse, gaining a boost in self-esteem, feeling more confident, reducing emotional and physical discomfort from having enlarged labia. Note: If you are considering future pregnancies, you may want to hold off on undergoing labiaplasty.

Where do I begin?
During consultations, doctors can learn more about their patients and vice versa. This visit gives the doctor a chance to evaluate the current state of the patient’s labia and discuss options that will help the patient achieve a desired look. Consultation visits also give patients the opportunity to talk about their goals and expectations for labiaplasty and to ask any questions. These visits also allow the doctors to inform the patient of the benefits, precautions, risks, surgical method and other important information. It is important that patients are well-informed of the procedure before making a decision.

How is Labiaplasty Performed?
Labiaplasty usually takes about one to two hours while the patient is under local anesthesia. Sometimes, general anesthesia is used so ask your doctor first. Labiaplasty is generally performed on the inner lips (Labia Minora). The labia minora is the skin that covers the clitoris and vaginal opening.

For labiaplasty of the inner lips, the surgeon trims the excess tissue by removing a wedge-shaped section and removing the top layer section of labia (epithelium), while keeping the underlying tissue intact.

Labiaplasty can also be performed on the outer genital lips (Labia Majora). For the outer lips, liposuction can be used to reduce appearance and for more extreme cases, these genital lips can also be surgically trimmed.
Are there other techniques available?

Augmentation Labiaplasty can also be used to enhance the labia majora. This involves harvesting fat from other areas of the body and reinjecting it into the labia, providing an enhanced and youthful appearance.

How Much Pain is Associated with Labiaplasty?
It is natural for women to feel mild to moderate discomfort and swelling after undergoing labiaplasty. The doctor should prescribe medication to help reduce pain. Discomfort and swelling should subside within one to two weeks.

What is the road to recovery like?
It is important for patients to follow their doctor’s post-op orders following surgery. This will help ensure quality results and better healing as well as reduce discomfort and complications.
Instructions may include avoiding intercourse for several weeks (typically three to six weeks) following surgery. The doctors may recommend women not to use tampons and douches while recovering. Doctors may also instruct women to wear support thongs and panties, which are beneficial in supporting the treatment area. Wearing support garments can reduce swelling and can make the recovery period a lot more comfortable. Women usually return to work and normal activities within two to five days, while more strenuous activities will take about three weeks.

What are The Long-Term Effects of Labiaplasty?
The results of the labiaplasty are permanent. However the labia can become enlarged again through sexual activity and future childbirth.

What Are the Risks and Limitations of Labiaplasty?
All forms of cosmetic surgery carry some degree of risks and complications, including scarring and infection. Risks specific for labiaplasty include changes in sensation, changes in pigmentation, or asymmetry. The subject of potential risk and complications should be discussed between you and your surgeon. It is important that patients are aware of both the benefits and the risks, before undergoing labiaplasty.