Thin, flat lips: Some of us have very thin lips with no definition. This may be due to genetics, aging or smoking. Tissue degrades as we age and definition is lost over the years. Most of us want more defined, fuller lips which are smooth, wrinkle-free and youthful. Lip shapes and lip prints are like fingerprints – no two are alike. However there are common lip shape categories and their accompanying complaints.
Lip augmentation uses a variety of materials to create fuller-looking lips, and lip augmentation material also reduce wrinkles in the mouth area. Temporary solutions for lip augmentation are achieved through collagen and fat injections, both requiring repeat treatments to maintain lip augmentation, as the materials are readily absorbed into the body.
Collagen used in lip augmentation generally lasts 3-4 months, and while fat injections last slightly longer, a lip augmentation using fat injections can be more unpredictable, resulting in lumping and scarring. Other lip augmentation solutions involve the use of implants, either entirely synthetic materials, or lip augmentation inserts using some amount of donated skin. Unlike the non-surgical, injection based systems of lip augmentation, the inserts require about one week for recovery, and allergies to the lip augmentation inserts have been known to occur. A permanent, low-risk solution for lip augmentation involves the use of Gore-Tex material, which the human body seems to tolerate well, but lip augmentation by these means may not be the best idea for someone who is only experimenting with lip augmentation.
Someone in that position may prefer to start out with collagen to see how lip augmentation could affect them. How is lip augmentation with lip implants performed? The surgery is not at all complex nor does it take a substantial amount of time to perform. You re injected with local shots of Lidocaine for pain relief and epinephrine, a vasoconstrictor, to restrict the amount of bleeding an bruising. After making the necessary 4 incisions at each corner of the mouth, the surgeon inserts the implant using either an implant pre-threaded on trocar or using a pair of alligator forceps. After insertion, the surgeon cuts the implant to the size best for the patient’s individual lip and trims the ends of the implant if necessary. The incision areas are then sutured with a thin suture material and you are cleaned up.
There are not too many risks associated with lip augmentation in comparison to other elective procedures, but there are enough to pay attention and have concern. It typically depends on the chosen implant or filler.
Synthetic Implants
Gore-Tex, SoftForm, UltraSoft and Advanta There can be infection and irritation if the ends of the implant are too long for the cavity or not rounded, if needed. The good thing is that it is reversible and can be readily removed. UltraSoft is hollow, allowing your own tissues to grow into the implant. When tissue ingrowth occurs, infection and rejection are less likely. Extrusion from the body attempting to reject the foreign material, palpability and lessened mobility of the treatment areas are possible.
Migration can be an issue as well, although tissue ingrowth can decrease this risk significantly. There may be permanent discolorations from the bruising. Possible hematomas resulting in additional surgeries and excessive scarring from delayed healing or trauma. Deformity from excess scar tissue arising from an infection or the hands of an unskilled doctor is also a possibility.
Newer injectable fillers like Restylane, Perlane and Hylaform supposedly have no side effects. However, some patients have reported prolonged swelling and inflammation, and nodules at the injection sites with Perlane
Bigger Is Not Always Better Not all of us may want larger, fuller lips. Many people believe that their lips are too big, and want them reduced. Many younger patients are often plagued by insecurities brought on by having larger than average lips and are sometimes teased by their classmates. Although one should wait until they have their lip size reduced due to maturing of the facial features. In our society ethnically lower lip is larger than upper lip, which is often not liked by many.
This procedure really isn’t incredibly invasive but there are risks and complications so please read through all of the information before agreeing to commit to any surgery. But for such a small procedure it truly can make a big difference.
What Is Lip Reduction?
Lip Reduction is the procedure to remove excess lip tissue to reduce the appearance of overly large lips. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure takes only about 30 to 45 minutes and takes about one week to heal. Swelling can be an issue so please know this beforehand. Although a fairly simple procedure, complications can and do happen.
Are You a Candidate for Lip Reduction?
First and foremost, an individual must be in good health, not have any active diseases or pre-existing medical conditions and must have realistic expectations of the outcome of their surgery. Communication is crucial in reaching one’s goals. You must be able to voice your desires to your surgeon if he/she is to understand what your desired results are. Discuss you goals with your surgeon so that you may reach an understanding with what can realistically be achieved.
You must be mentally and emotionally stable to undergo a cosmetic procedure. This is an operation which requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period. if you find that your lips are too large and may interfere in speaking or don’t like them in general, you may wish to consider this procedure. It is not a rather invasive procedure but it will cause discomfort and swelling and you will have to take it easy for a proper result so consider all of the above before deciding if this may be a viable option.
What to Expect at Your Consultation?
You will make an appointment for a consultation. You will discuss your complaints and concerns and discuss the various looks one can achieve, the amount that can and should be removed, etc. Your surgeon will explain the technique and incision placements or methods that may be most appropriate for you and should discuss the risks associated with lip reduction with you, as well.
You will also discuss the available anesthesia that will be used for your procedure. Most lip reduction procedures are performed under local & regional anesthesia, possibly with oral sedation (valium usually).
Your Preoperative Appointment
This appointment addresses more questions you may not have thought to ask at the initial consultation, such as more surgical details, concerns and even ascertaining that your surgeon is aware of what you desire from your procedure. Just as your surgeon will make certain that you know what it realistically possible from this procedure.
You will also discuss your pre-operative instructions and speak about the recovery period instructions and what to expect in the months ahead. You will be given prescriptions for antibiotics, pain relievers.
Please do not hesitate to address any concerns that you may have during this time and even after your pre-operative appointment. If you remember something when you get home or the next day or even the day of surgery – don’t be afraid to ask.
Preparing for Your Surgery
You should get following list of lab test from nearby pathology laboratory. Routine investigations – Haemogram, BT, CT, Blood Group, Blood Sugar level fasting, Elisa test & Urine-routine.
Above tests should cost Rs.500-800.Patient can get it done from nearby laboratory before planning surgery. Additional Tests may be advised by doctor if necessary.
How a Lip Reduction is performed?
A lip reduction procedure normally takes about 30-45 minutes to perform. First, if you will be sedated you will have monitoring “pads” attached to you so that the surgical team can properly monitor your vital statistics before, during and after your operation. When you are brought to the operating room, electrodes will be “plugged” into these pads which are connected to the monitoring equipment.
Once you are on the operating room table, you will then be given your choice or your surgeon’s preference in anesthesia as discussed prior to your surgery date. If you had been given an oral sedative or valium prior you will have less anxiety. They will more than likely insert an IV for a saline drip to keep you hydrated and have a vascular “doorway” for anesthesia, antibiotics, and other medications.
If you are undergoing this surgery with regional only you will have an injection between the lip and the gums, deep down inside the chin. This will deaden you possibly to your earlobes depending. Your face is then scrubbed with Betadine to remove bacteria such as Staph. Your surgeon will make an incision the length of your lip inside of your mouth and will remove a strip of skin from one or both lips, depending upon your desires.
The surgical team then performs a sponge and instrument count and your surgeon then closes your incisions with, more than likely, a non-dissolvable type suture. Some surgeons may use a dissolvable type though, it truly depends upon preference. You may have an antibiotic-soaked piece of gauze placed between your lips and your gums at first. Of course there may be differences in surgical technique depending upon the preference of your surgeon.
You are then gently awakened and brought into the recovery room where the recovery nurse will monitor your vital stats until you are ready to be released. This is dependent upon the individual but may take up to two hours. Your lips and mouth may feel tight and quite tender as the anesthesia wears off. You may even feel emotional or upset – this will depend upon your body’s reaction to anesthesia. You may also experience “rigors” or shivering. This may feel uncontrollable and is usually from the medications – more than likely epinephrine that is used as a vasoconstrictor. The recovery nurse usually has wrapped you in a warm blanket but if not, request one. It certainly makes things more tolerable.
Some patients feel nothing different although if you have had General you may feel a little sick – hopefully your surgeon gave you something to lessen this. Your prescribed medication should alleviate this pain and discomfort. However, if you believe your pain to be out of the ordinary once you get home, call your surgeon or the on call staff immediately. You will be driven home by your spouse, significant other or friend as you will not be able to see, much less drive yourself home.
The Road to Recovery
You may be groggy from the anaesthetic and or oral medications and probably won’t remember much of the first day or two if you were under Light Sleep sedation or deeper. You will have to take it easy and sleep on two pillows to keep your head elevated for 7-14 days – or however long your surgeon suggests. When you wake up you will notice that your face will look even more swollen in the first 3 days. But, as the days go on the swelling will dissipate. There may be bruising, but this will go away, as well. Your sutures will more than likely be taken out by your surgeon at a week to 10 days postoperatively. Your swelling will subside within 1 – 2 weeks, although usually the end result will be seen at 3 months postoperatively. You may notice a change in your smile, odd sensations of “hollowness”, tingling, the sporadic sharp pain, or “pulling”, burning, and cold sensations. These usually subside within the first few weeks.
Risks & Complications of Lip Reduction
Unfortunately, all surgery has risks and complications. With lip reduction, these include allergic reaction to the anesthetic used and infection. There is the chance of asymmetry, hematoma, seroma, infection, and general dissatisfaction. Numbness may occur, it usually subsides within the first few weeks.